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Before the daily

It’s a Monday morning, the alarm rings at the usual time, while I open my eyes, I try to focus on the first of the three math problems that the alarm asks me to turn off. First, I resolve and then I wake up, like every day, the idea is to get up with an active mind, with the first positive thoughts of the day I start to review the messages in order: first WhatsApp, then Workchat, then Google Chat and finally Telegram, in each starting with family, moving on to direct messages from projects, then urgent messages from work groups, and finally personal messages.

Social networks? Yes, we had few messages, see what old friends do these days, laugh a little before starting the day and start in a better mood. A while later, with a super cup of coffee in hand, I open the laptop to see the emails to be answered.

In no particular order, interesting emails are read and answered, those that have been waiting for a few days, others that require a little more concentration or patience, others that put you in a bit of trouble because they require careful review, in addition to information to hand.

After answering more messages in the groups of the messaging applications, I return to the mail that, sometimes, one leaves behind because it needs special concentration, a little stress comes from thinking about things that I still do not know, after all, are we human beings, right? I open one more tab over my other 50 open tabs, I write the keywords that I hope will bring me good results, the minutes go by and I don’t realize the time, but the reading, the information, begins to flow, I understand some things that I needed to know And I remember why I love doing this, the satisfying feeling of learning more with each challenge imposed on me by the innovative projects that we develop at Evolbit, with the needs that we help cover and overcome for our clients.

There is still time to coordinate some technical details, lend a hand with some code or server configuration, sometimes a couple of tips to questions that you solved years ago, but someone from your team did not, knowledge and security that gray hair gives you and the scars and again I feel grateful, that is what is gratifying about this job, being able to continue participating in the technical aspects of the projects we develop, keeping in touch with the code, the definition, the analysis, the architecture.

Without realizing it, a couple of hours have passed and the alarm has just gone off for the meeting that starts in 15 minutes, enough time to review information in case of possible doubts that arise in the daily, the day is just beginning.

Manuel Sotelo - Director and CTO
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Last modified: September 30, 2022
